Our ministry to the homeless is multi-faceted and includes working directly with the homeless, helping new ministries get started, and assisting churches in reaching the homeless population in their own cities.
Our President, Dr. Travis Sharpe has been working among the homeless since 1995. He successfully started a bus route and Sunday school class that reached thousands of people from 1995-2000. In 2001 he along with the help of Victory Baptist Church, started the Garden City Rescue Mission in Augusta, GA.
Travis brings his years of ministry experience into all facets of our ministry.

Services we offer in Cullman, AL
Our headquarters is right here in Cullman, AL and we are glad to offer the following services to our local community:
We can also meet people anywhere in Cullman County to do an assessment of their needs and introduce our ministry to them. Most of the time we can bring immediate needs such as snack bags, blankets, etc.
For help, please call our main office: 256-615-6024.
Unsheltered International Warehouse
479 County Road 827
Cullman, AL 35057
Please note:
All appointments depend upon availability of our volunteers.
We do not provide motel stays.
No appointment needed on Mondays, just show up at our warehouse.

We assist local churches in all areas of ministering to the homeless. We have helped start new outreach ministries, consulted with shelters and missions, trained workers and much more. Most of these things are done by Travis Sharpe. He readily shares what he has learned from many years of homeless ministry in the United States.
Travis Sharpe has an extensive preaching ministry across the United States. One of his favorite things to do is missions conferences. Travis brings Biblical principles to life through stories of his stateside and international missions experience.
Travis leads a church group through the woods in Chattanooga, TN to learn how to interact with the homeless.