The rain has finally stopped here in North Alabama and construction is in full swing at the tiny home village. We are currently building the Phase One road system and it is full steam ahead. This project will require 400 tri-axle dump truck loads of fill dirt. We are getting a great deal on the dirt at only $250 per load. With that in mind, we are launching a new campaign called “One load at a time”. Would you consider helping us purchase a load of dirt to help build the roads?

You may want to purchase half of a load or you may want to purchase several loads. Our goal is to continue building the roads while the weather is good. The road building work started a few days ago (see pictures below.) This portion also includes installing all of the culverts to allow us to be able to cross the wet areas and creeks. Be sure to also check out our social media channels like Facebook and Instagram for up to date pictures of the progress.
We are excited that spring is here and we are able to build! Thank you so much for your prayers and support.
