I hope this update finds you doing well and enjoying the blessings of the Lord. We have had a lot of great things going on here lately that I’d like to share with you.
New Bible Study
Back in June, we started a new weekly Bible study for people in our ministry. Tim Klein is the leader and he is doing a great job. We have had good attendance and have seen one person, a man named David, accept the Lord as Savior. He has also followed through with believer’s baptism. He is pictured below!

New outreach specialist
We are glad to have Savannah Smith on our team as a new outreach specialist. She has been with us for about four months now and she is doing great. She has even been able to lead two ladies to Christ already. Please pray for her as she works on our team, especially with the ladies. Savannah also feels like the Lord is calling her to work at our tiny-home village so please also pray for God’s will in that matter.

Chicago bound
April and I are headed to the Chicago area today so that I can speak at two churches this Sunday. We will be with Pastor Clemmon Chappell and Pastor Jerry Stepp. These are good friends of ours who have been a blessing to our family and ministry for many years. It’s always a joy for us to have an opportunity to travel for the Lord, especially when it includes great friends!
Please pray for safety as we fly and travel over the weekend. We have a pretty busy schedule over the next two months so we need the Lord’s guidance and strength.
Garden City Rescue Mission
If you haven’t heard, I am now involved in a leadership role with Garden City Rescue Mission in Augusta, GA. This is the mission that we started in 2001. I joined the board of directors three months ago as the chairman. The mission is in a place of great need right now because the building they have been leasing has been put up for sale. We have until September 15th to raise the funds. If the funds are not raised by then, the mission will be forced to relocate.
Please make this a matter of prayer because so many homeless people in that area depend upon the mission. People are saved and helped there on a weekly basis and it would be devastating to lose the property. You can learn more about this by visiting their website at www.gcrmaugusta.com.
As always, thank you very much for your prayers and continued support for the Lord’s work.