It has been a great week for us here at Unsheltered. The team from Landmark Baptist Church in Shelby, North Carolina finished up their portion of the remodel of our new maintenance shop on Thursday.

They did a terrific job working through the rain and mud and never stopped until their job was completed. After they left and the sun began to shine, we finished painting the outside and working on odds and ends like trim, and caulking and puttying the inside. Now we have a beautiful, new building.

On Tuesday of this week, we began to erect the steel building addition on the back of the same building. That has gone very well and it will be finished in a few more days. This area will allow us to have a place to build things, work on any and everything that needs working on, and store our tools and building materials. We are so thankful for God‘s goodness in allowing us to get this done.

In other news…
We are thankful for Countryside Baptist Church in Guyton, Georgia, for including us in their VBS offerings. This week the kids raised $2,000 for our tiny home village project. What a blessing it is for them to give so much to help others.
We would ask you to pray for a gentleman named Scott who we’ve been helping now for almost a month. He has a job and is working more than 40 hours a week but he is staying in a motel and we have not been able to find housing for him yet. Please pray that God would provide an apartment or a room for rent for him. We have invested over $1,000 just keeping a roof over his head in the last three weeks because he is working so hard to get back on track in his life.
Coming soon
In a couple of weeks you are going to see some big changes in our ministry. 2021 is our 10 year anniversary and we have developed a brand new website, a brand new logo, and all new materials for our ministry. We think you are going to love the new look and it is also going to be easier to navigate the website and for us to communicate our purpose and goals to all of our supporters. Stay tuned for some awesome updates on this!
This weekend
April and I will be in Sardis Lake, Mississippi this week with Sardis Lake Baptist Church. We are looking forward to visiting with our friends and giving a ministry update about all God has done this year with Unsheltered.
Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support.