This past weekend, the Sharpe family visited Sonrise Baptist Church in Lake Station, IN and First Baptist Church of New Chicago in Hobart, IN. It was a blessing to connect with long-time friends, give ministry updates, and of course, preach in the services. We will be back in Indiana in a few weeks for a revival at Faith Baptist Church in Laporte.

Construction at the village continues with more clearing of underbrush and roadwork. The section in the front of the property has been cleared and we are ready for the first major road building to begin soon. The first step will be the entrance at the highway and include about the first 100’ of road. All we are waiting on for this to begin is the contractor. They have told us they will begin mid to late this month.
The coming weeks should bring some drastic changes to the village property as we are working hard to clear land and work on infrastructure.

Meanwhile, the Lord has been blessing our day-to-day ministry. We have been busy helping people with valuable resources as well as the gospel. I had the opportunity to sit down with a young man and share Christ with him at a local park a few weeks ago. We also had a lady get saved at our ministry center and several more that we have shared the gospel with.

We are training a new outreach specialist for men and and my daughter Sarah is in training to be an outreach specialist for ladies. As our team grows, we can reach more people with the good news of the gospel.
Thank you for your prayers as we continue to try our best to be a blessing to those whom God sends our way.