I have some great news to share with you today! Last week, we ordered the very first tiny-home for our village project. It was built in less than a week and will be delivered to us the first of next week.

This home is 10'x24' and will be used as a model for the rest of the homes. It will be built out complete with insulation, walls, flooring, cabinets, etc. It will also be fully furnished. For now, it will be displayed close to the highway in front of our new maintenance shop. This model will "bring to life" the future of the tiny-home village and give our supporters a much better understanding of exactly how the homes will be laid out.
The plan is to eventually put this home into use during phase two of our project. This home was purchased by a generous partner and we have a construction team coming the first of September to finish the inside.
Our engineers are still working on the master site plans and we are going through some permitting processes as well. After we have the needed permits, we will be able to begin infrastructure work at the main part of the village property. Please continue to pray that things move along as God would have them to.
In the mean time, if you're close by, feel free to drive by and see the model! The address where it will be located is 7275 Hwy 278 West Cullman, AL.
Also, if you would like to purchase one of our brand new t-shirts or hats, there are only four more days left. Just click this link to order yours today!