As Christmas fast approaches, and then the close of the year, I wanted to let you know about end-of-year giving opportunities. For us, it’s an opportunity to give cheerfully to a ministry we love, and also an opportunity to take advantage of a tax deduction if that’s needed. However, for the people we minister to day in and day out, our giving is an opportunity for them to have a hand-up in life, a “second chance”, or for some, a first chance to hear about Christ.
If you would like to give before the year is over, you can designate your gift to one of our ministry programs, or you can leave it undesignated and we will apply it where most needed. Whether it’s our Philippines Christmas fund for the children, our local homeless ministry, or the tiny-home village construction project, I will put your gift to good use.
If you would like to give, you can mail your donation to:
Unsheltered International
PO Box 2625
Cullman, AL 35056
You can also give online. Simply click here. If you would like your donation to be designated to a specific program don't forget to notate that on your donation.
Remember, in order for a gift to be counted as a tax deduction this year, it needs to be postmarked by December 31st. If you give online, be sure to do that by the end of the year also.
I certainly appreciate you remembering us as you pray and plan this time of year. Our team is busy helping the less-fortunate each week and it’s our honor to partner with you!
