Christmas was once again a real blessing for our meal center children in the Philippines. All together, more than 650 children and parents were part of the celebrations in more than four different areas. There were parties, special food, gifts, and much more!

Here is what Sister Merliza, our leader, posted about it all:
"Thank God because once again, He grants our heart’s desire to distribute 400 Bags of Blessings for 400 children and less fortunate. Everybody are so happy because there will be food on their table during CHRISTmas Eve. Always thanking and praising Him for always proving “ FOR WITH GOD, NOTHING SHALL BE IMPOSSIBLE”.
“If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. “ John 14:14. THANK GOD FOR ALWAYS USING HIS PEOPLE AS CHANNEL OF HIS BOUNTIFUL BLESSINGS.
Always thanking God for giving us committed, faithful and generous ministry partners and prayer warriors
To all our ministry partners, supporters and prayer warriors, Thank you so much for your financial commitment and sacrifices. Thank you so much for your obedience to our SAVIOR
To all our faithful and dedicated co workers, thank you for your energy and sweet camaraderie. It was a tiring whole day activity BUT complaining is not on our vocabulary. It was indeed A JOB WELL DONE.
We appreciate everyone who gave to make this year's events possible. Below are a few more pictures!
God bless,
